Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Art of Death

Today I want to introduce you to one of my favourite photographers, Giacomo Brunelli.He shoots entirely in black and white, light and dark. He uses film not digital and works in half-light to produce truly personal images. Backgrounds may be blurred and indistinct, but there will be a sudden clarity, an intense focus on just one area, patch of light against a sombre background. I just love his beautiful dark morbid view of the world.

Death and decay is sensitively beautifully haunting.
Animals appear other worldly and different, at odds with how you feel they should be.

"he works by confronting, pushing his lens close, often to its closest point of focus, perhaps around half arm’s length, aggressive, almost touching his subject (and the pictures have a very tactile nature), forcing flight or fight from his subject, and photographing these reactions."

 his website is

Go have a look. The photographs are just phenomenal.


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