Monday, May 23, 2011

Antis ..... wait for it .... ipation

You know how yesterday I said I would continue to tell you all about the Day of the Dead and especially about Mortification ......
well I think I might keep you waiting in antissss .........
                                                                                .......ipation just a little bit longer.
Till tomorrow I think. I will however tease you just a little bit with a picture....

And tomorrow I promise I will reveal all.

But this blog isn't just about ME. No really I mean that. There are many other amazing and awesome artists out there that I love and I want to share them all with you.

Now I find this artist  Niklas Roy very A.MUsing.
His website is

Watch the video link below of one of Niklas's projects

 I do really like this particular project, and yes, yes, I know you will ask BUT IS IT ART? I don't know if it is but I do know that it is very A.MUsing and incredible interactive and I WANT ONE ;-)
See you tomorrow A.MUse
Facebook - Emporium of Loveliness

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