Sunday, June 12, 2011

The big BLING

In the beginning was the word. And the word was BLING.
All things were made by A.MUse; and without her was not any thing made that was made.
In the BLING was life; and the life was the light of BLING.

And the BLING was made shiny, and worn among us, (and we beheld its glory, the glory as of the only begotten of sparkleyness,) full of shimmer and twinkle.

Out of the darkness, drabness and infinite dullness sprung fully formed and glittering with shiny light the BIG BLING COLLECTION .
This series of jewelry aims to add an explosion of blingy glamour and a touch of decadence to everyday life.

Molecule Necklace

This necklace was inspired by the shape and form of molecules, 

interesting molecule shapes

 The Molecule Necklace is one of my favourites. Big pearly beads and little droplet shaped glass beads with a rainbow shimmer make blingy textural statement when worn around the neck. The molecule an also be doubled up to wear as a bracelet. Guaranteed to gain you admiring comments.


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