Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pixelated Dream : a steampunk painting.

I am in a show in just over a month’s time. The show’s theme and title is “As Above, So Below” a science fiction and cosmic themed show. I have decided that I am going to exhibit steampunk themed art.

My art statement reads

The theme I am exploring is Steampunk and Neo-Victorian dreams. I will do this in a variety of media, both 2D and 3D. Some will be pure art and some will crossover into craft and decoration. All will show my personal steampunk imaginings. I hope my discombobulating re-imagining of a once and never time sparks of a synaps or sets some cogs in motion and you find yourself wondering what if .....

So you ask what is steampunk?
In a nutshell Steampunk is Victorian science fiction, a re-imagining of the 19th century, and the perfect blending of alternate history, romance and science fiction. A dream of a never once was time and place. Steampunk is also Neo-Victorian, which is the amalgamation of Victorian aesthetic principles with modern sensibilities and technologies.

So what’s with the cogs and gear then? Well they are an easily recognized symbol of steampunk, an icon if you will. But the gear and cog on their own does not a steampunk make.
Steampunk takes inspiration from the industrial and applies it to whatever culture it influences. If it is integral to the design and aesthetic of a piece it is Steampunk.
Steampunk is also heavily influenced by the general neo-vintage movement, which has been steadily progressing through mainstream fashion, film and aesthetics. In times of general world uncertainty and insecurity it is comfort to look towards the past and the rose tinted comfort of the good ol’ days.

I thought you might like to see a painting I have been working on. I have taken pics of it in stages and at the moment it needs a lot more work doing but you can see how it is progressing …

Well you can see the progression of the painting and how much more there is to do. This painting is actually pretty big 4ft by 3ft so I will just keep on plugging away ...
Till next time my lovelies ......


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